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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Trading Alert: PositiveID (OTCBB:PSID) Trades up over 50% on FDA News

POINT ROBERTS - November 16, 2011 -, a global investor research portal for independent investors issues a trading alert for medical technology stock, PositiveID Corporation (OTCBB:PSID), following news of its FDA clearance for iglucose(TM) mobile health system for diabetes. The stock has moved up over 52% on news with volume of over two million shares in morning trading.
PositiveID Corporation (OTCBB:PSID), a developer of medical technologies for diabetes management and clinical diagnostics, announced today it has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for its iglucose(TM) mobile health system for diabetes management. iglucose uses mobile technology to revolutionize the way individuals with diabetes manage their condition. By seamlessly communicating glucose readings from data-capable glucometers to the iglucose diabetes management portal, this important data can be shared with family members, caregivers and healthcare professionals. This makes it possible to improve care in a cost-effective manner and help loved ones manage their diabetes.
iglucose is a First-of-its-Kind Wireless Communication System for Diabetes Management
PositiveID to Begin Commercialization Efforts in First Quarter 2012
Full news: Newswire About PositiveID Corporation (OTCBB:PSID),
PositiveID Corporation, based in Delray Beach, Florida, is a technology development company with two divisions: HealthID and MicroFluidic Systems. HealthID develops unique medical devices, focused primarily on diabetes management, and MicroFluidic Systems develops molecular diagnostic systems, focused primarily on bio-threat detection products. For more information on PositiveID, please visit
For more information on iglucose, please visit
Allison Tomek
PositiveID Corporation
Published at Newswire
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